Travel  Photography

This page is dedicated to photography taken on my travels. Some commissioned but mostly taken on my own ventures. They range from the cool drift of Cuba taking in Norway, Cape Town, Spain, Paris, Australia and on to the more muscular marauding streets of New York.

I love wide open spaces and mountainsides but when it comes to travel photography i’m more likely to opt for Capital Cities. I fuse better with the exaggerated living, the bump and grind of the traffic, the giddy gesticulations; but perhaps it’s the sense of purpose and direction that i find so energetic. Inspired & enlightened, I’m driven to bottle it.

That said much can be made of changing down the gears and washing with the soft ebb and flow of nature with all its unexpected delicacy, everything has its place and time.

Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex
Portrait Photography Sussex

Offering services as a photographer/videographer throughout the UK


Contact Steve Davies on 07979024250

12 + 11 =

Covering the UK with standard working hours between 8.00 and 22.00 (flexible by arrangement)

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